Both in the fashion industry and the K-drama genre, from his boyish good looks and laid-back street style, Joo-Hyuk is top-to-toe swoon-worthy. Even his Instagram feed is slaying it with his street style and has 6.6 million followers on Instagram alone (@skawngur). Joo-hyuk’s presence and his fashion style will not be forgotten anytime soon, because look at here, we will give you 10 Photos of Nam Joo-hyuk’s Best Outfits. Prepare yourself!
Winter Outfit? Nam Joo-hyuk Slays it Here!
For those of you who are confused about what to wear when the winter season has come, don’t worry! Here comes our Nam Joo Hyuk, with his best winter outfit. We can see that he wears a white turtleneck sweater, covered by 2 layer jackets, one with a black layer underneath, and the outer layer is a moss green bomber jacket. He’s also rocking skinny black jeans and casual sneakers to keep his feet warm. Don’t forget to bring your hat, too, like the Nam Joo Hyuk did.
Wear All Black, Cool!
Well, as we expected, our fair-skinned Nam Joo Hyuk is very well-suited to wearing an all-black outfit. When it comes to simple style, Nam Joo Hyuk still can slay the airport like he does on the catwalk. He’s wearing a plain black sweatshirt, paired with black pants and shoes. The watch he’s wearing as an accessory just give it a little bit of shiny.
Going to The Mall? Look at His Outfit
Do you want to hang out with some friends? Or are you going to the café, but still want to look fashionable? Just look at Nam Joo-Hyuk’s best outfit to hang out. He’s wearing a soft pink graphic t-shirt paired with blue jeans, and we all know white shoes are very fit with jeans. As we all expected, Nam Joo-Hyuk has the best taste in outfits when it comes to casual.
Going Sporty
We know that Nam Joo-Hyuk started his career as a model, and joined Seoul Fashion Week. You might think he wore a lot of formal dress like a model, but you’d be wrong. At the beginning of his career, he was seen working a photo session at YG Stage wearing a sporty outfit. After he became an actor, too, we can see from his Instagram feeds that he really likes to wear more comfy outfits, like plain shirts, oversized sweaters or rocking a sporty jacket like this one. This is his best sporty outfit, wearing a plain, white t-shirt, covered by a light gray jacket, paired with shorts the same color as the jacket. Don’t forget to wear a casual sneaker.