CLASS:y has 7 original members line-up with Hyungseo, Chaewon, Hyeju, Riwon, Jimin, Boeun, and Seonyou. This article has detailed information so you can get to know more about one of CLASS:y’s members who also have the vocalist position. Without waiting any longer, let’s find out more about CLASS:y’s Riwon starting from her full profile, fun facts, and more in this article below!

CLASS:y’s Riwon: Profile

Real Name : Kim Ri-won (hangul: 김리원)Stage Name : Riwon (hangul: 리원)Birth : South Korea, January 11, 2007Star Sign : CapricornHeight : 156 cm (5’1″)Weight : 40 kg (88 lbs)Blood Type : ABPosition of the group : Lead Dancer, VocalistNationality : KoreanOfficial Website :

Instagram (@ri_won_love07) YouTube (리원love) Fan Cafe (070111 (Ri-Won))

CLASS:y’s Riwon: Fun Facts

That was all for the information about CLASS:y’s Riwon and everything you should know about her. Let’s keep sending her a lot of love and support, so her career will shine even more in the future. If you like this article, don’t forget to share it on your social media and wait for another interesting upcoming article from Channel-Korea! CLASS y s Riwon  Full Profile  Fun Facts  Official Debut   Channel K - 47