SNSD’s Inspirational Quotes

10 years of SNSD’s career has led to fruition from their hard work and persistence. As the years pass, the members also become more mature. Some of the words they said give a lot of meaning to those who have had a difficult time. There are some inspirational, encouraging, and warm words from SNSD’s members to everyone who may feel down at this moment.

Taeyeon’s Quotes

“Actually when I’m depressed or feeling down, I seem to play quiet music and enjoy the time. So I listen to a lot of ballads and I try to enjoy the time with music.” (Melon Special Interview, 31st Mar 2010) “From now on I will be loving more and more and I don’t think it will ever turn less.” (Taeyeon’s Birthday Party, 7th Mar 2010) “Between people who truly care and love each other, there are times where you don’t need to say anything at all. Those emotions that are hard to express with words. Things like “I love you” and “Thank you”…you don’t really need to say those words.” (Taeyeon’s Chin Chin Radio, 13th January 2009) “Don’t do something that you’ll regret later.” “When singing, you need performing skills and a bit of imagination. You have to treasure the emotions, and to not deviate from the color of the song while pouring your heart into it.” “If there’s something you want to do, then that means you have a goal. But that goal may change as you live. You never know when your interests may change direction, so always anticipate it, day by day.” (SNSD & The Dangerous Boys Ep.3) “Being on stage is so much fun and enjoyable. Because it’s a lot of fun, we work really hard on music programs and our eyes automatically open up. Because this is where I’m most confident and where I’m at my best, I found a way to enjoy all of it. And I’m still searching for more ways.” (Star Life Theater Ep 11) “More precious than the times that have passed, are the times to come. What’s important is to keep moving forward…”

Sunny’s Quotes

“Yesterday is a history, tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a gift, that’s why we call it the present.” (during one of her radio broadcasts) “We will show you an SNSD that works even harder in the future. We will try hard to deserve even more love in the future as well.” (Melon Music Award, 16th Dec 2009) “I’m worried I won’t do well, but all I can do now is affirm myself and accept what I am. Do my part to the best of my abilities.” “We really have to let go to receive more.” “At a certain point my heart ached, but I understood. For our human hands, some are huge and some are smaller than mine. If we don’t clasp them tightly, the things we have might disappear.” “It’s not about making a single day special or making it crazy fun. But I hope the listeners can find comfort in the daily routine.” “I always searched for your star in my dreams.” “But solely through the heart of wanting it and wanting to do it, I endured through.” “Sincerity is something that can be felt. Even if it is not put into words.”

Tiffany’s Quotes

“During those nine months, so many things happened and I went through so many different emotions and realized so many things. It was such an important time where I felt the precious value of the stage and the precious value of each other. And so I’m grateful.” (Taeyeon’s Chin Chin Radio, 13th January 2009) ”Everything will be good as long as you do your best. Because if you do, there will be no regrets.” “People say I’m the most energetic member of the group. I try to always greet people brightly and live happily, but there are times where my mood drops. But, the moment I feel I have a God-given talent is the moment I get on stage.” “Even if other people tell you otherwise, if you just believe in yourself, you can do everything.” “They say ‘Lucky Number 7’ but Lucky Number 9 has been ingrained in my head. My lucky number is 9.” Collection of SNSD Members  Inspirational and Funny Quotes  - 10Collection of SNSD Members  Inspirational and Funny Quotes  - 50Collection of SNSD Members  Inspirational and Funny Quotes  - 52Collection of SNSD Members  Inspirational and Funny Quotes  - 27Collection of SNSD Members  Inspirational and Funny Quotes  - 15Collection of SNSD Members  Inspirational and Funny Quotes  - 34Collection of SNSD Members  Inspirational and Funny Quotes  - 70Collection of SNSD Members  Inspirational and Funny Quotes  - 45Collection of SNSD Members  Inspirational and Funny Quotes  - 26Collection of SNSD Members  Inspirational and Funny Quotes  - 96Collection of SNSD Members  Inspirational and Funny Quotes  - 28Collection of SNSD Members  Inspirational and Funny Quotes  - 84Collection of SNSD Members  Inspirational and Funny Quotes  - 90Collection of SNSD Members  Inspirational and Funny Quotes  - 74Collection of SNSD Members  Inspirational and Funny Quotes  - 7Collection of SNSD Members  Inspirational and Funny Quotes  - 50