BTS’ HYYH explains BTS members’ life struggle from their childhood through their teenage years to their adulthood, which is one of the most beautiful moments in our life. Through this, BTS members tried to tell people about the process of life that people would get through and to appreciate it more as we only live once.

BTS’ HYYH Meaning

HYYH is a BTS concept that stands for “Hwa Yong Yeon Hwa” (Hangul: 화양연화) (Chinese: 花樣年華). It means the most beautiful or happiest time of one’s life. Like what it means literal, through this concept, BTS tried to show people the most beautiful or happiest time in one’s life: youth. From childhood moments through the teenage years until adulthood, some times are the most beautiful ones in life. In those times, we have to get through many things, whether something good or bad, like and do not like, and the moment we can get and reach what we want. They want to tell and show people that it is not only about the result of what we want, but also about the process that we get through during those times. The hardship and the struggle we had during those times.

HYYH Logo Meaning

We can choose and use many ways to represent and explain something that we want to share and tell people about, and a logo is one of the examples that we can use. Unlike words, usually in a logo, the message would be described through a picture or symbol with a special meaning. Just like the logo of HYYH. The HYYH logo is wonderful. On the HYYH album logo, there are butterflies in the background. Butterflies can represent a lot of things. As a spirit animal, butterflies are a symbol of transformation and finding joy in life and lightness of being. On the Young Forever album, one of the albums in HYYH shows an air balloon, which represents freedom. On the Youth album, as a Japanese album during the HYYH era, the cover shows a train railway, which represents finding a new journey in life.

HYYH notes meaning

Taken from the translation, HYYH notes contain each BTS member’s story in their younger days when they were together. The notes reveal the story of their love, happiness, and sadness in life. Each of the obstacles that BTS had gotten through is explained shortly in the note.


Meaning of the HYYH series

The concept of HYYH has some series with different stories that still share the same theme, which is youth. Each episode has its own story but still in the same line and related to one another. The whole meaning of the HYYH era is about the story of youth; the hardships young adults surpass in their life. Starting from I Need U, they share these stories where each person needs someone to be with. It is all about togetherness.

During Run, BTS members share the story when they are tired and want to run from their life hardships. As the story is centered on V, he encounters hardships from his family problems, making him depressed and wants to run away from his problems.

During Young Forever, BTS members are shown to be trapped in a maze, which represents confusion. Slowly but surely, they are finding their own way from their problems to reach freedom.

During Fire, BTS members show their energetic side as they represent the energy of youth and their strength to surpass their hardships as they burn everything down to be free.

During Save Me, BTS members are dancing freely in free space, but they seem quite lost. The song is like a shout out so everyone can hear and give them a hand to surpass life’s hardships.


The whole meaning of the HYYH era

The HYYH Series contains the story of young adult hardships in life. Each one of the BTS members represents a different story. The main story centers on V’s hardships with his family problems, which ended with his successful suicide plan near the beach. There are several story meanings like togetherness, friendship, family, love, and happiness.

In conclusion, the whole meaning of the HYYH era BTS tried to tell us is related to the journey of life where anything could happen in our life, especially in our young age, youth. There will be times of joy, sadness, sorrow, happiness, anger, doubt, worry, anxiety, and other feelings in life. We would feel those kinds of feelings and emotions during our lives, which made our lives more colorful and beautiful. Even though it might be tough and hard still, we will always try our best to get through that, survive until the end and get what we want. Still, there is no happy ending for every story. Even though we already tried our best and did everything we can to get what we want, there are times when we finally want to give up and let it go. But it is okay because not everything would go as we want. Maybe from that, we would learn and get something better next time. The most important thing is we should try to enjoy every moment in our lives as best as we can because we only live once.

The BTS HYYH era

As explained before, the concept in the BTS HYYH era consists of several episodes with their own stories. This concept BTS is described as the life journey of a human. It described and showed us the life struggles they must face and get through. Started with the story of youth with hardships young adults have to surpass in their life. They have been sharing these stories where each person needs someone to be with. Then continued with the hardships they have, tired of everything, and the desire to escape from it sometimes can lead them to stress and depression. Though life keeps getting hard and slowly, life will always find its own way to come back home and find its freedom. After that, they will get the energy and strength to surpass their hardships and start all over. And if you feel like it is not enough and needs some help, you can ask for it because it is a human thing as nobody is perfect. That is all about HYYH, the story and meaning behind this marvelous BTS concept. So, have you understood everything about it? Did it satisfy your curiosity? It might seem complicated and hard to understand. It is actually cool and amazing because it delivered such a wonderful meaning and message, especially about life where everyone can relate to the story. I hope many of you will get positive energy by reading this beautiful meaning of the BTS HYYH concept.

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