Let’s get excited about what they did together on the Celebrity Bromance variety show. We will give you an idea of how they can be so funny doing something simple and entertaining during the time they spend together in this article from Channel-Korea. Stay tuned!

Trio 95 Liner Trip To Pyeongchang

The trio of best friends, Yook Sungjae BTOB and the twins of Boyfriend , Youngmin and Kwangmin, shot this variety show in Pyeongchang, the south side of South Korea. This episode was recorded before the upcoming Winter Olympic 2018.They talked randomly and asked each other about what sport they wanted to follow during that competition. They started meeting in front of a food court and bought sausages and rice cakes. They were open with each other; Sunjae even admitted that he’d just licked his snot from his hand since he thought it was sauce he’d dropped. He also bit Kwang-min’s sausage.They met in a Pyeongchang food court, and while they were eating they planned their vacation withh the Visit Korea app. Sungjae suggested they try fishing, but the twins, Youngmin and Kwangmin, refused the idea. Since it was winter at the time, the twins thought it would be too cold. Then they talked some more about going to Sky Ranch.They decided to go to Sky Ranch, and Sungjae, who is the one who drives the car, asked Youngmin to sit beside him in the front since Kwangmin is so noisy.During the ride, they talked about many things. Youngmin and Kwangmin asked Sungjae abput his experience working with Gong Yoo in the K-drama Goblin. Youngmin didn’t hesitate to ask, “Isn’t he handsome?”Sungjae replied to him by agreeing with his statement. The twins said that every time Gong Yoo appeared on the drama, Sungjae’s charm disappeared. Then, Sungjae laughed and jokingly said he wanted to make the car crash. Kwangmin quickly laughed and apologized.When they were about to enter the toll gate, Youngmin made a joke by saying paid “toll gae bi”, and it made Sungjae laugh badly because the way he talks is the same as he played.Surprisingly, the staff at the toll gate asked his name, since he thought Sungjae seemed familiar.

Become Sheep Shepherd

They finally arrived at Sky Ranch, and the farming site had wheels and places that are often used as drama locations, or for reality shows.For their first destination, they showed their professional skills tending sheep. They excitedly fed the sheep some grass. and at first only two sheep came to them. Then they went to the middle of the area to feed more sheep.They got the idea to make a game to feed the sheep by mouth. So, they did rock, paper, scissors and Kwangmin lost. Kwangmin had to feed the grass to the sheep, but it didn’t work, since the sheep refused to eat his grass. So funny.Sungjae also got a bonus from the farm, which was manure on his new shoes. Everyone laughed at him, then they continued to other destinations.

Visit Ski Jump Stadium

The next place they went was the Sky Jump Station that would be used during the Winter Olympics. For the twins, it was the first time they saw it, and it felt frightening to them.They used the lift to get to the highest peak to do a sky jump. They felt very awkward when going from the second floor to the third took a very long time. After they arrived on the peak, they went to the place where the athletes would start their sky jumps.None of them was brave enough to try a sky jump. The twins said they didn’t want to do games that risked their life. They finally just took selfie on the peak and then went down to see the observation deck.They found several handwritten messages attached to the gate, all of them expressing warm wishes to the Winter Olympics or the athletes. The three men also wrote notes and attached them to the wall.

Pyeongchang? It’s Snowboarding Time!

 Next, they tried snowboarding. Before they started, they learned the basics of how to snowboard. First, Sungjae showed how to fall down, that it needed be knees-first in order to hold the body. Secondly, he showed how to put the front of the board up a little bit to avoid falling down, and how to bend out and stretch their arms.The  twins were so excited learning with Sungjae, and sometimes their behavior made Sungjae laugh when they trying to walk front while using snowboards. Youngmin gave up on trying snowboarding; he just put down the snow board and walked off. On the other hand, Sungjae could snowboard smoothly. Kwangmin was better than Youngmin, making his teacher, Sungjae, proud.

Ending the Trip With a Cooking Contest

Sungjae, Kwangmin, and Youngmin finally returned home and planned to cook their own food. When Sungjae went to the toilet, the twins got curious about his bag. They wanted to know what Sungjae brought in his bag, but he came back too fast and figured out what they intended to do.Sungjae suggested cooking kimchi pancakes and rice cake soup. Sungjae gave the instructions and managed the kitchen. The funniest part was when Sungjae wanted to show his skill on flipping a pancake, but he failed a little bit. The first time Youngmin tried to flip one, he was successful and felt happy.After all the food was ready, they were about to eat. Sungjae gave an opening message to the twins, saying that he felt happy and wanted to do this more often with them, and gave them advice to always stay pure like this. He was also hoping that they would stay healthy and do better for the future. They talked about their feelings and how happy they were to do this kind of trip together.At the end of the trip they did karaoke with various hits like Big Bang, and the funniest one was when they imitated singing trot, the traditional song of South Korea. It was so amusing. You should watch this whole episode!

Random Facts

Some random facts are that when they driving to their destination, they talked about Sungjae, who snored heavily when he stayed overnight at Youngmin and Kwangmin house. His snoring made it so everyone else in the house could barely sleep. The twins’ father took pity on Youngmin and told Youngmin to move to another room. Since that time, Sungjae was embarrassed about it and never wanted to stay at their home anymore.Also, when Sungjae wanted to show his cooking skills, he was feeling quite confident, and said, “I will use my sword,” while taking a knife grinder instead of the real knife. Everyone laughed at him and talked about his foolishness out loud. Let s Check Out ex BOYFRIEND Members  Jo Young min and Jo Kwang min s Hilarious Interaction With BTOB s Sung jae on  Celeb Bros    Channel K - 52Let s Check Out ex BOYFRIEND Members  Jo Young min and Jo Kwang min s Hilarious Interaction With BTOB s Sung jae on  Celeb Bros    Channel K - 81Let s Check Out ex BOYFRIEND Members  Jo Young min and Jo Kwang min s Hilarious Interaction With BTOB s Sung jae on  Celeb Bros    Channel K - 80