Among all the competitors that surrounded The Boyz, the boys actually managed to snatch the crown of the show and move to the main show, Kingdom. Are you curious about their journey on the show? Scroll down this article below to find out! 


Mnet’s Road to Kingdom is filled with bright and charming boy groups to compete such as PENTAGON, ONF, Golden Child, The Boyz, VERIVERY, ONEUS, and TOO. During the Road to Kingdom’s press conference held on April 21st, 2020, the contestants talked about their goals and hope for the shows, including The Boyz:“We’re really happy to be participating in Road to Kingdom. It’s an honor to be able to show new sides of ourselves and cool performances to [our fans] The Bs and viewers. Our goal is to make it to the Kingdom but beyond that, we’re aiming to be a group that can contribute to the K-pop market. We hope you’ll look upon us well in the future too,” the group enthusiastically said. 


Like Queendom, the boy bands participating in Road to Kingdom will prepare a number of stage acts. They can show different charms and charisma, from the appearances they have shown before.Since Kingdom has the same concept as Queendom, then the winner of this event will get the chance to hold a special comeback show, according to their wishes. Of course, the group must win the competition in Road to Kingdom, to be able to proceed to the main competition, Kingdom.There are a few performance stages of the show:

Preliminary Performance – 90-Second Performances

In this stage, each of the 7 boy groups performed a 90-second performance that best expresses themselves.The Boyz kicked off their performance with an incredible stunt of sword performance and lightning dance break by the main dancer Q.While the rest of the competitors were just dancing, The Boyz performed an incredible stunt that resulted in them holding first place in the first episode. 

1st Performance – Song of King

After they went through the first stage, each of the 7 boy groups performed one song from their boy group seniors which is rearranged into a different style.In the episode, The Boyz did a cover of Taemin’s “Danger” and roleplayed as a group of heists. They did a performance with totality as they jumped and slid around the stage, and even pretended to steal the crown from a glass case (the crown was referencing to the Road to Kingdom crown).As predicted, the group eventually won first place (again). Let s Check Out Male Group The Boyz Charming Performance on  Road to Kingdom    Channel K - 3Let s Check Out Male Group The Boyz Charming Performance on  Road to Kingdom    Channel K - 39