While the kind of person ATEEZ’s like is someone who we can relate to, how about ATEEZ’s ideal type based on their MBTI and personality? Let’s find out the answer through Channel Korea!.

ATEEZ’s Hongjoong Ideal Type Based on Personality

Hongjoong is the type of person that expressive and prioritize communication, that’s why he mentions that his ideal type is someone who can communicate well. Hongjoong feels the love intensifies, so a person who can handle his intensity would be a perfect match for him. Someone polite and extroverted also can become someone ideal for him.

ATEEZ’s Hongjoong Ideal Type Based on MBTI

Hongjoong’s MBTI type is INFP. This type of MBTI tends to think deeply about the meaning of life. When it comes to dating, this person desire honesty in a relationship. A relationship where two people can comfortably open up about their thought and desires is the kind of relationship that this type suits.

ATEEZ’s Seonghwa Ideal Type Based on Personality

Seonghwa’s ideal type might be as simple as someone who likes him back. But with his personality, he is seemingly attracted to someone who is outgoing and isn’t emotionally demanding. Seonghwa is the type that wants some freedom in a relationship but he also likes to feel safe with the person he chooses.

ATEEZ’s Seonghwa Ideal Type Based on MBTI

Belong to the ESFJ type, Seonghwa is the kind of person that is interested in other and love being with people. As for the type of people he like, this type of MBTI feels comfortable with people who are polite but courteous.

ATEEZ’s Yunho Ideal Type Based on Personality

Yunho is energetic, so in terms of his ideal type, he also prefers someone who has the same energy as him. He likes someone who loves to experience new things and is outgoing.

ATEEZ’s Yunho Ideal Type Based on MBTI

Sorted as ENFJ, Yunho is the type of person that has excellent social skills and loves giving support and encouraging others. When this type of MBTI dating, they like that kind of relationship that is adventurous but also want to get to explore their partner’s mind.

ATEEZ’s Yeosang Ideal Type Based on Personality

For Yeosang, people who can commit and show their affection are an important value. Yeosang also prefers friend lovers type of relationship.

ATEEZ’s Yeosang Ideal Type Based on MBTI

Being the introvert one’s as Yeosang’s MBTI is ISFJ, he is highly intuitive to others’ emotions. This type of MBTI is attentive to how someone they are interested treated others. They put a lot of trust in their partner and value honesty.

ATEEZ’s San Ideal Type Based on Personality

San once mentioned in his Vlive that his ideal type is someone who is warm-hearted and is a good person. He said that he doesn’t consider looks because the pretty heart is what matters, even if a woman is gorgeous and beautiful but if she didn’t have a pretty heart then it’s not for him.

ATEEZ’s San Ideal Type Based on MBTI

Just like Hongjoong, San’s MBTI is also INFP. As this type tend to think deeply about the meaning of life, they can also be idealist and perfectionist. INFP tendency to be idealistic might be explaining San’s ideal type who valued personality rather than looks no matter how gorgeous other people are.

ATEEZ’s Mingi Ideal Type Based on Personality

Mingi is the type of person that likes affection. He likes a person who can make him feel secure and feel cozy whenever they are together. He also likes someone as passionate as him and put in a lot of effort.

ATEEZ’s Mingi Ideal Type Based on MBTI

As ENTP, it’s their nature to desire to understand the world around them. For this reason, they also have the deepest understanding of the people around them. To reach this understanding they fancy conversation. That’s why this type of MBTI loves a person with an open mind and is open to new possibilities and most probably intelligent conversation.

ATEEZ’s Wooyoung Ideal Type Based on Personality

Wooyoung finds someone who likes to order him around as attractive. But, he also found someone who messes up a lot but laughs about it as attractive. Wooyoung is someone who loves to socialize, that’s why he needs some freedom and a partner that is not too dependent on him.

ATEEZ’s Wooyoung Ideal Type Based on MBTI

Wooyoung who belong to ESFJ match with the person who is authentic and respectful in term of communication. ESFJ have a strong desire to be appreciated, that’s why they look for someone supportive and devoted.

ATEEZ’s Jongho Ideal Type Based on Personality

Jongho has a specific character about his ideal type. He likes someone who has pretty eyes. As for personality, people who are compatible with his personality would become a perfect match with him. Jongho also likes someone affectionate with him.

ATEEZ’s Jongho Ideal Type Based on MBTI

When it comes to MBTI, Jongho shares the same MBTI as Wooyoung. This type of MBTI is a valued person who shows unwavering support and shares a common goal with them.While ATEEZ’s ideal type might different for every member, one thing for sure is that ATEEZ’s member would treat their partner lovingly. So, which ATEEZ’s member ideal type that matches your personality?. Let s Take a Look ATEEZ s Member Ideal Type Based on Their MBTI and Personality    Channel K - 5Let s Take a Look ATEEZ s Member Ideal Type Based on Their MBTI and Personality    Channel K - 35Let s Take a Look ATEEZ s Member Ideal Type Based on Their MBTI and Personality    Channel K - 93Let s Take a Look ATEEZ s Member Ideal Type Based on Their MBTI and Personality    Channel K - 47Let s Take a Look ATEEZ s Member Ideal Type Based on Their MBTI and Personality    Channel K - 96Let s Take a Look ATEEZ s Member Ideal Type Based on Their MBTI and Personality    Channel K - 10Let s Take a Look ATEEZ s Member Ideal Type Based on Their MBTI and Personality    Channel K - 42Let s Take a Look ATEEZ s Member Ideal Type Based on Their MBTI and Personality    Channel K - 50Let s Take a Look ATEEZ s Member Ideal Type Based on Their MBTI and Personality    Channel K - 25Let s Take a Look ATEEZ s Member Ideal Type Based on Their MBTI and Personality    Channel K - 13Let s Take a Look ATEEZ s Member Ideal Type Based on Their MBTI and Personality    Channel K - 88Let s Take a Look ATEEZ s Member Ideal Type Based on Their MBTI and Personality    Channel K - 70Let s Take a Look ATEEZ s Member Ideal Type Based on Their MBTI and Personality    Channel K - 71Let s Take a Look ATEEZ s Member Ideal Type Based on Their MBTI and Personality    Channel K - 86Let s Take a Look ATEEZ s Member Ideal Type Based on Their MBTI and Personality    Channel K - 20Let s Take a Look ATEEZ s Member Ideal Type Based on Their MBTI and Personality    Channel K - 78Let s Take a Look ATEEZ s Member Ideal Type Based on Their MBTI and Personality    Channel K - 41