The actor and actress have known for their chemistry with each other as a couple in the drama. They’re both very connected their feelings about each other and it really came through in every scene. Both stars received praise for their work in drama, and they become a ‘lovey-dovey’ couple among the other drama couples. Get yourself ready to check out Jung Hae-in and Son Ye-jin’s moments below!

Jung Hae-in and Son Ye-jin’s Romantic Moments on Something in the Rain

Something In The Rain is a Korean drama which aired on JTBC in 2018 and can be streamed through Netflix. Something In The Rain is a romantic drama written by Kim Eun and Directed by Ahn Pan-seok. The drama was stars Jung Hae-in and So Ye-jin, who start out as friends, and eventually fall in love and become a genuine couple. Son Ye-jin played the character of Yoo Jin-ah, a single woman in her 30s who worked in a coffee franchise as a store supervisor. Yoo Jin-ah didn’t live her life to the fullest and sometime she felt lonely inside. Meanwhile, Jung Hae-in played as Seo Joon-hee. He was a younger brother of Seo Kyung-seun (played by actress Jang So-yeon), and best friends with Yoo Jin-ah. Seo Joon-hee worked in a computer video game company as a character designer, and he returned to Korea after working abroad for 3 years. The supporting cast was: Something In The Rain is basically a story of two lovers who show their affection to each other and take care of each other. The story of Yoo Jin-ah and Seo Joon-hee has gotten  appreciation from viewers because they had a special chemistry together. The drama had its highest rating on episode 15, which aired on May 18, 2018, with 7.281% nationwide and 8.313% in Seoul. The first episode showed the very first meeting between Seo Joon-hee and Yoo Jin-ah. They worked at the same office building and crossed paths often. Yoo Jin-ah lived alone, and was feeling a lot of pressure from her mother, who wanted her to go out with a man from Seoul University, who’s studying to be a lawyer a lawyer. Yoo Jin-ah mother decided she wants her daughter married before she turns 35. Yoo Jin-ah only wanted to spend time with Seo Joon-hee. It was obvious that the two main characters were dying for each other, and the still kept their relationship a secret from anyone. In the next episode, Seo Joon-hee and Yoo Jin-ah went on a camping trip together with their close friends. Later on came a scene where Seo Joon-hee went to Yoo Jin-ah’s ex-boyfriend’s apartment and found out that Yoo Jin-ah had been sexually assaulted by her ex-boyfriend. When they found out that Seo Joon-hee snuck into Yoo Jin-ah’s ex-boyfriend apartment, they went to the police station to report the break-in. As soon as Yoo Jin-ah and her ex-boyfriend’s arrived, Seo Joon-hee was ready to punch the ex-boyfriend, but ended up being saved by Yoo Jin-ah, because she pushes her way back and gets hugged by Seo Joon-hee instead. After finding out about the terrible things that happened to Yoo Jin-ah, Seo Joon-hee become very sweet, and takes good care of her. That’s how their relationship develops. The relationship between Seo Joon-hee and Yoon Jin-ah starts heating up in good and bad ways. There are a lot of things that happen between them, but it always seemed the two had a solid connection and they would be able to keep up their relationship without any worries. In the next scene, Yoo Jin-ah was in a car with Kyu-Min, and knowing he’s a maniac,  Yoo Jin-ah tried to stop the car and begging him to let her go. She escaped by jumping from the car. At the same time, Seo Joon-hee was trying to contact Yoo Jin-ah, but couldn’t reach her, and when Kyu-Min got a phone call from Seo Joon-hee, he lost his mind and ended up crashing his car. After the crash, Seo Joon-hee found Yoo Jin-ah in the emergency room and helped her to get dressed and took her home. They ended up with cuddling each other soon as they got there. The following day, Yoo Jin-ah went to Seo Joon-hee’s place and he watched her as he worked. In another scene, Yoo Jin-ah went to a karaoke bar and was having fun with friends. Seo Joon-hee came to pick her up and they walked together across the street in the night. Seo Joon-hee is the type of guy who expresses his feelings openly, just to make his partner happy. Those are the things that led up to their kissing scene on episode 8, which was seasoned by their affection and special feelings toward each other. On the next episode, Yoo Jin-ah’s mother was in a hurry to send Yoo Jin-ah getting on a blind date, and showed her some of her possible dates, but then Seo Joon-hee came up in front of Yoo Jin-ah’s mother and knelt down. Seeing her loved one like that, she couldn’t stand it anymore and also kneltl down in front of her mother, who reacted by yelling and smacking Seung-ho, and trying to keep him from Yoo Jin-ah. Whether or not things were going smoothly for them, Seo Joon-hee and Yoo Jin-ah tried to keep things solid between them, and stand up for their relationship. They both negotiated a lot to keep up their love and stay strong, even though the storm always seemed to find a way to break them apart. Both of them went through a lot of problems relating to colleagues, friends, siblings, parents, and other issues, but that didn’t change their willingness to be true to their relationship with each other. On episode 11, Seo Joon-hee become the shield between Yoo Jin-ah and her mother. They needed to stand up with their feelings, and Seo Joon-hee tried to protect Yoo Jin-ah while her mother was blinded by anger, as it was very clear that her mother didn’t approve of their relationship. Meanwhile, Seo Joon-hee’s company was trying to send him to China, but he kept refusing. When Seo Joon-hee finally saw Yoo Jin-ah again, they talked about the company’s plan, which put them into an awkward situation, but they eventually ended up teasing each other and being all lovey-dovey again. Yoo Jin-ah had to face a lot of problems, so she went to Seo Joon-hee’s house and asked whether it would be all right if she went on a blind date, since her mother told her to do so. Although most of the scenes show the sweetness between Seo Joon-hee and Yoo Jin-ah, there are also sad scenes which show different sides of their relationship. The two lovers need to face various obstacles, and sometimes had problems communicating with each other. The peak of their relationship appeared during episodes 13-14, when Seo Joon-hee felt misunderstood by Yoon Jin-ah, and he went drinking, alone, the day they were fighting. After they argued, Yoo Jin-ah was the first to apologize to Seo Joon-hee. The two lovers definitely need to face every single problem with their lives, and one of those issues was communicating with each other. Seo Joon-hee argued with Yoo Jin-ah since the two were planning to go to the U.S. Yoo Jin-ah avoided Seo Joon-hee by secretly moving to a different apartment while he was away on a business trip, and lied to him over the phone. The story became more complicated as they announced their breakup, but eventually they saw each other again and had dinner together on Yoo Jin-ah’s birthday. At the same time, Seo Joon-hee tells Yoo Jin-ah that he really needs to go to the U.S.  He asks her to go with him, but she refused. They ended up parting by giving each other a warm hug and Yoo Jin-ah apologized to him that he had to leave alone. The scene fast-forwarded to Seung-ho’s (Yoo Jin-ah’s brother) wedding, and Yoo Jin-ah’s new boyfriend appeared on the final episode. Yoo Jin-ah’s new boyfriend is a person who’s a workaholic and constantly ignoring Yoo Jin-ah. Seo Joon-hee had returned from the U.S and attended Seung-ho’s wedding, so he accidentally saw Yoo Jin-ah with her new boyfriend. Later on, Seo Joon-hee got very drunk and knocked on Yoo Jin-ah’s door asked if she meant it and calls her evil. By the final episode, it was seen that they going through hardships, but their relationship was still solid, as they became a couple and lived happily ever after.

Best Moments

Check out the behind-the-scenes video clip from the filming of Something In The Rain:

The pictures below are from the press conference for the drama:

Are They Dating?

The two stars were once involved into a dating rumor, but neither of them ever gave a response to it. During the press conference for the drama, Jung Hae-in confessed his feelings to Son Ye-jin by saying, “I couldn’t even look at you [Son Ye-jin] at our first meeting because you’re so beautiful. I was so nervous and shaking when we filmed for the first skinship scene at the milk bar. My heart fluttered every time you around even now I could feel my heart beating fast.” – Jung Hae-in They also looked very close when they were celebrating Jung Hae-in’s birthday on the filming set. You could see from their smiles that they are have special feelings for each other.

In May, 2018, Son Ye-jin opened up about the rumor of her relationship with Jung Hae-in, and whether they brought it to real life or not. The 37-year-old actress clarified by saying, “He [Jung Hae-in] was still a bit doubtful and nervous while he played as a lead actor for the first time but he turned out really well at the end. We have shared so many things together, and I can feel chemistry between us which is brought a good way in every episodes. We’re not dating each other [in real life] yet I never know the possibility if we could date each other.” – Son Ye-jin. Son Ye-jin’s statement left the fans curious, and some may think that Jung Hae-in are secretly dating. Son Ye-jin also added that she changed her mind about her ideal type, and that she wanted to try to date a man who’s younger than her and who can communicate really well. Jung Hae-in responded by saying that they currently contact each other freely, and things don’t feel awkward anymore. Son Ye-jin is definitely a noona to Jung Hae-in, and he said that she listens really well to his thoughts and he hopes that they will still be in touch in the future.     That was all for the news about Jung Hae-in and Son Ye-jin. They had great chemistry with each other as a couple on the drama Something In The Rain, which eventually made their fans think they should date in real life, but they denied the news of their dating rumor. Let’s hope all the best for Jung Hae-in and Son Ye-jin for their careers and personal life, too!

Noona Romance Strikes Again  Check Out Jung Hae in and Son Ye jin s Love Story on  Something in the Rain   - 12Noona Romance Strikes Again  Check Out Jung Hae in and Son Ye jin s Love Story on  Something in the Rain   - 51Noona Romance Strikes Again  Check Out Jung Hae in and Son Ye jin s Love Story on  Something in the Rain   - 14Noona Romance Strikes Again  Check Out Jung Hae in and Son Ye jin s Love Story on  Something in the Rain   - 30Noona Romance Strikes Again  Check Out Jung Hae in and Son Ye jin s Love Story on  Something in the Rain   - 23Noona Romance Strikes Again  Check Out Jung Hae in and Son Ye jin s Love Story on  Something in the Rain   - 12Noona Romance Strikes Again  Check Out Jung Hae in and Son Ye jin s Love Story on  Something in the Rain   - 2Noona Romance Strikes Again  Check Out Jung Hae in and Son Ye jin s Love Story on  Something in the Rain   - 54Noona Romance Strikes Again  Check Out Jung Hae in and Son Ye jin s Love Story on  Something in the Rain   - 98Noona Romance Strikes Again  Check Out Jung Hae in and Son Ye jin s Love Story on  Something in the Rain   - 60Noona Romance Strikes Again  Check Out Jung Hae in and Son Ye jin s Love Story on  Something in the Rain   - 26Noona Romance Strikes Again  Check Out Jung Hae in and Son Ye jin s Love Story on  Something in the Rain   - 76Noona Romance Strikes Again  Check Out Jung Hae in and Son Ye jin s Love Story on  Something in the Rain   - 87Noona Romance Strikes Again  Check Out Jung Hae in and Son Ye jin s Love Story on  Something in the Rain   - 60Noona Romance Strikes Again  Check Out Jung Hae in and Son Ye jin s Love Story on  Something in the Rain   - 12Noona Romance Strikes Again  Check Out Jung Hae in and Son Ye jin s Love Story on  Something in the Rain   - 75Noona Romance Strikes Again  Check Out Jung Hae in and Son Ye jin s Love Story on  Something in the Rain   - 73Noona Romance Strikes Again  Check Out Jung Hae in and Son Ye jin s Love Story on  Something in the Rain   - 25Noona Romance Strikes Again  Check Out Jung Hae in and Son Ye jin s Love Story on  Something in the Rain   - 15Noona Romance Strikes Again  Check Out Jung Hae in and Son Ye jin s Love Story on  Something in the Rain   - 70Noona Romance Strikes Again  Check Out Jung Hae in and Son Ye jin s Love Story on  Something in the Rain   - 50Noona Romance Strikes Again  Check Out Jung Hae in and Son Ye jin s Love Story on  Something in the Rain   - 55Noona Romance Strikes Again  Check Out Jung Hae in and Son Ye jin s Love Story on  Something in the Rain   - 42Noona Romance Strikes Again  Check Out Jung Hae in and Son Ye jin s Love Story on  Something in the Rain   - 58Noona Romance Strikes Again  Check Out Jung Hae in and Son Ye jin s Love Story on  Something in the Rain   - 92Noona Romance Strikes Again  Check Out Jung Hae in and Son Ye jin s Love Story on  Something in the Rain   - 67Noona Romance Strikes Again  Check Out Jung Hae in and Son Ye jin s Love Story on  Something in the Rain   - 45Noona Romance Strikes Again  Check Out Jung Hae in and Son Ye jin s Love Story on  Something in the Rain   - 86Noona Romance Strikes Again  Check Out Jung Hae in and Son Ye jin s Love Story on  Something in the Rain   - 51Noona Romance Strikes Again  Check Out Jung Hae in and Son Ye jin s Love Story on  Something in the Rain   - 70Noona Romance Strikes Again  Check Out Jung Hae in and Son Ye jin s Love Story on  Something in the Rain   - 80Noona Romance Strikes Again  Check Out Jung Hae in and Son Ye jin s Love Story on  Something in the Rain   - 76Noona Romance Strikes Again  Check Out Jung Hae in and Son Ye jin s Love Story on  Something in the Rain   - 21Noona Romance Strikes Again  Check Out Jung Hae in and Son Ye jin s Love Story on  Something in the Rain   - 64Noona Romance Strikes Again  Check Out Jung Hae in and Son Ye jin s Love Story on  Something in the Rain   - 24Noona Romance Strikes Again  Check Out Jung Hae in and Son Ye jin s Love Story on  Something in the Rain   - 68Noona Romance Strikes Again  Check Out Jung Hae in and Son Ye jin s Love Story on  Something in the Rain   - 1Noona Romance Strikes Again  Check Out Jung Hae in and Son Ye jin s Love Story on  Something in the Rain   - 3Noona Romance Strikes Again  Check Out Jung Hae in and Son Ye jin s Love Story on  Something in the Rain   - 87Noona Romance Strikes Again  Check Out Jung Hae in and Son Ye jin s Love Story on  Something in the Rain   - 35Noona Romance Strikes Again  Check Out Jung Hae in and Son Ye jin s Love Story on  Something in the Rain   - 95Noona Romance Strikes Again  Check Out Jung Hae in and Son Ye jin s Love Story on  Something in the Rain   - 91Noona Romance Strikes Again  Check Out Jung Hae in and Son Ye jin s Love Story on  Something in the Rain   - 23Noona Romance Strikes Again  Check Out Jung Hae in and Son Ye jin s Love Story on  Something in the Rain   - 55Noona Romance Strikes Again  Check Out Jung Hae in and Son Ye jin s Love Story on  Something in the Rain   - 85Noona Romance Strikes Again  Check Out Jung Hae in and Son Ye jin s Love Story on  Something in the Rain   - 56Noona Romance Strikes Again  Check Out Jung Hae in and Son Ye jin s Love Story on  Something in the Rain   - 69Noona Romance Strikes Again  Check Out Jung Hae in and Son Ye jin s Love Story on  Something in the Rain   - 88Noona Romance Strikes Again  Check Out Jung Hae in and Son Ye jin s Love Story on  Something in the Rain   - 4Noona Romance Strikes Again  Check Out Jung Hae in and Son Ye jin s Love Story on  Something in the Rain   - 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