Eric Nam and Solar were featured in Episode 317, which aired on April 16, 2016, through Episode 348, which aired on November 19, 2016. They were a virtual couple for about 31 weeks, and were nicknamed the Ddongi Couple. Due to the great chemistry between the, Eric Nam and Solar won the Best Couple Award at the 2016 MBC Entertainment Awards. Honestly there were too many sweet moments between Eric Nam and Mamamoo’s Solar to pay attention to them all, so Channel-Korea has selected sweetest moments on We Got Married Season 4 based on Channel-Korea’s view. Without further ado, let’s see their sweetest moments below!

Eric Nam’s Romantic Proposal

Eric Nam had promised Mamamoo’s Solar to cook three dishes that were pasta, salad, and hallabong ade. Before Solar went home, he tried to finish his cooking, but she arrived faster than he expected. He asked her to wait on the second floor even though she was bored and curious. After a while, he finished cooking and asked her to wear a blindfold as he escorted her from the second floor to the dining table. When she took off the blindfold, Mamamoo’s Solar laughed and applauded him. The first dish she tried was the salad. Eric Nam took a huge chunk of meat and fed it to her. Then tried the pasta. She said that the pasta tasted good, but was too dry. She also tried the last dish, the hallabong ade. She asked him if he made it himself, because it was really delicious. While Mamamoo’s Solar was drinking her hallabong ade, Eric Nam told her that she needed to drink all the hallabong ade because there was something going on after she drank everything. She was curious, and drank more of the hallabong ade and saw something written on the bottom of the glass, in English. She drank some more and saw what was written, it read “WILL YOU MARRY ME?”. Mamamoo’s Solar started laughing when she read his proposal. Then she saw him taking something from the refrigerator. He took out dessert, which was a chocolate egg, and asked her to break it. She was laughing when she broke it open and saw there was a ring inside. Eric Nam made his formal proposal Mamamoo’s Solar, asking if she would marry him. She then looked embarrassed and said “Yes” to him. In the interview, she said that she was embarrassed, but admitted that she was really happy. Eric Nam pulled the ring off the cake and wiped off the cream, then got down on one knee and asked her the question again. Solar was embarrassed but told him her answer again and he put the ring on her finger. They then looked at each other and laughed. Eric Nam  stood up and hugged her. The MCs in the studio said that the proposal was really romantic. They also said that the proposal was one of the best they’ve seen from the show.

Still Remember The Lovely Couple Eric Nam and Mamamoo s Solar on  We Got Married   What s Their Relationship Now   - 47Still Remember The Lovely Couple Eric Nam and Mamamoo s Solar on  We Got Married   What s Their Relationship Now   - 32Still Remember The Lovely Couple Eric Nam and Mamamoo s Solar on  We Got Married   What s Their Relationship Now   - 48Still Remember The Lovely Couple Eric Nam and Mamamoo s Solar on  We Got Married   What s Their Relationship Now   - 98Still Remember The Lovely Couple Eric Nam and Mamamoo s Solar on  We Got Married   What s Their Relationship Now   - 11Still Remember The Lovely Couple Eric Nam and Mamamoo s Solar on  We Got Married   What s Their Relationship Now   - 5Still Remember The Lovely Couple Eric Nam and Mamamoo s Solar on  We Got Married   What s Their Relationship Now   - 82Still Remember The Lovely Couple Eric Nam and Mamamoo s Solar on  We Got Married   What s Their Relationship Now   - 73Still Remember The Lovely Couple Eric Nam and Mamamoo s Solar on  We Got Married   What s Their Relationship Now   - 57Still Remember The Lovely Couple Eric Nam and Mamamoo s Solar on  We Got Married   What s Their Relationship Now   - 62