Even though TWICE members’ popularity for each country varies, the member that often ranked on top is TWICE’s Tzuyu. On the other hand, the members who often ranked below in terms of popularity are TWICE’s Chaeyoung and Jeongyeon.

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Through this article, Channel Korea will explain to you more details about TWICE’s members’ popularity rankings and who is the most and least popular member, so stay tuned!

TWICE is a girl group with 9 members who are Nayeon, Jeongyeon, Momo, Sana, Jihyo, Mina, Dahyun, Chaeyoung, and Tzuyu. Despite the group’s huge popularity, every TWICE member is also famous in their own way.Since the group spread their wings outside of South Korea as well, it’s such a piece of cake for TWICE to be recognized with global popularity, even overseas! It is also proven through a bunch of achievements that TWICE has been accepted, and they manage to hold world tours as well. Let’s start to know TWICE’s member popularity rankings here:











Tzuyu is the most popular member as she sits at the first rank of TWICE’s member popularity in at least 5 countries including Vietnam, Taiwan, Indonesia, India, etc. Aside from that, Tzuyu also got the highest vote for The Best Maknae Members in K-Pop, The Best Female Visuals in K-Pop, and The Best Visuals in K-Pop Right Now. In 2019, Tzuyu was ranked #2 as the most popular idol among military men in South Korea.

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The least favorite members in various countries are Jeongyeon and Chaeyoung. However, they are still ONCE’s favorite members too. Despite being considered an underrated member, Jeongyeon has loyal fans who support her endlessly. As for Chaeyoung, she started to gain recognition from fans as time went by, especially with her talent as TWICE’s main rapper!

The 3 Members of TWICE with the Biggest Individual Popularity!

Besides Tzuyu there are 3 members that are considered the 3-most-popular-members and they are Tzuyu, Sana, and Nayeon. They are the most well-known among ONCEs! Through the online fansite, the fans gave various comments about Tzuyu, Nayeon, and Sana’s popularity with the statements below:“I think according to their (TWICE) popularity, it would be Nayeon, Sana, and Tzuyu.”“Boys like Nayeon and Tzuyu.”“I’d say Sana is the most popular TWICE’s member among men.”“I talk too much about Nayeon, everyone around me knows who she is.”Well, do you also think that Nayeon, Tzuyu, and Sana have the most attention among TWICE’s members?That is everything about TWICE’s popularity rankings! ONCEs all over the world have their rating, and it doesn’t matter who is the most famous since all of TWICE’s members are loveable! So, who’s your favorite member of TWICE? Write your comment down below, and don’t forget to share our article on your social media! TWICE s Most Popular Member in Each Country  Who Is The Most and Least Popular    Channel K - 47TWICE s Most Popular Member in Each Country  Who Is The Most and Least Popular    Channel K - 62TWICE s Most Popular Member in Each Country  Who Is The Most and Least Popular    Channel K - 26TWICE s Most Popular Member in Each Country  Who Is The Most and Least Popular    Channel K - 80TWICE s Most Popular Member in Each Country  Who Is The Most and Least Popular    Channel K - 98