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Although Park Bo-gum only stayed for two weeks, and only appeared in a few episodes, the interaction between these employees was very adorable. Hyori’s Bed and Breakfast, also known as Hyori’s Homestay, is a South Korean television show which is set at the residence of Hyo-ri and Lee Sang-soon on Jeju Island, where they opened a B&B. Both working as actors/actresses, Yoona and Park Bo-gum’s appearance on the program made many people interested, and viewers looked forward to their second interaction in this show. both performers have a good image in the eyes of netizens, and also have amazing visuals. It’s no wonder that,after the event was completed, more and more matched them.

How Yoona and Park Bo-gum Got Recruited

Never having worked together before, they didn’t really know each other, let alone were close. It made fans curious about their interactions when JTBC announced that they would both be cast in Hyori’s Bed and Breakfast Season 2. The weren’t recruited at the same time. Initially, only Yoona was recruited as a permanent employee for this show, and then Park Bo-gum was present as a part-timer for two weeks, to help Hyori and Yoona, as long as Lee Sang-soon had a schedule in Seoul.

In the first episode, before Yoona met Hyori and Lee Sang-soon, Hyori and Lee Sang-soon said that they were curious who their employees would be this season. Both revealed that they hoped that any one of their employees could cut the wood and drive. In Yoona’s interview as an employee on the show, she revealed, “I like just turning on the TV and watching cooking shows.” Then she mentioned some foods that were easy to make and that she had tried to prepare. She also said that she mastered Chinese and could speak a little Japanese, so she was confident in being able to communicate with them (the guests). Most importantly, Yoona knew how to drive, this meant she fit the criteria that Hyori and Lee Sang-soon expected. Then Yoona continued, “I feel like I’m doing what I want to do.” After saying that, the staff stated that Yoona passed the interview, and they gave her some recipes that were suitable for the weather at that time. It was winter, when Yoona was going to start her time as an employee on the show. At the end, Yoona said “I wish a diverse range of people can be home, Elders as well. It’d be nice if couples or same-gender friends come together. I want to meet diverse people.” When Yoona arrived at Hyori’s house, Hyori and Lee Sang-soon were very happy to know she was going to be their employee. They even ran to pick her up. Hyori revealed, “I feel relaxed that it’s you. I think someone I don’t know would come.” The three of them had breakfast together and had a chat. Then Lee Sang-soon and Hyori began their interview, asking whether Yoona could drive and explaining the work they had to do that day, while giving Yoona a tour so she could be more familiar with the rooms.

In his interview, Park Bo-gum explained, “First, I decided to join because I’m a fan of Lee Hyo-ri. Jeju is also very beautiful, I just want to join.” When asked about his cooking ability, Park Bo-gum replied, “I love to eat. I really love eating. I like fried tofu rice balls and rice cake soup too, curry too. I can make rice as well.” When asked by staff about what he could do well if he went to bed and breakfast, he answered, “Cleaning. I’m good at cleaning. I never used a coffee machine before, but I imagine myself doing it while watching TV. I think I can do everything well. ” Then Park Bo-gum was declared passed by staff to become a part-time employee. Park Bo-gum is very eager to surprise Hyo-ri and the guests there, because no one knew that he was coming.

First Day at Work

In Hyori’s Bed and Breakfast Season 2, Yoona and Park Bo-gum look very hard-working and do their best to be good employees while they’re there. From their first day, both of them always took the initiative to help and do their jobs very well. Lee Hyo-ri and Lee Sang-soon admitted that both of them were very hard working and asked them to rest more.

On Yoona’s first day as an employee at the bed and breakfast, the finished their breakfast and went to the supermarket together, to buy necessities for their bed and breakfast. The first place they visited was the tangerine field, where they would pick tangerine fruits that were ripe and would use them as a welcome drink for their upcoming guests. Tangerines are very easy to find on the island of Jeju. Next, the three went to the supermarket to shop for groceries. When they were finished shopping, Lee Sang-soon asked Yoona to go to the bakery and buy wheat bread while Lee Sang-soon and Lee Hyo-ri carried their groceries into the car. Finally, they went to buy winter blankets. When they finished that, they went to back to the bed and breakfast.

After doing her job as an employee well on the first day, Yoona returned to her mansion. The first thing she did when she arrived in her room was to unpack her belongings and take a shower. After bathing, she read the recipe book that the staff gave her, and studied it for breakfast tomorrow. After studying for a while, Yoona rested and slept.

As well as Yoona, the surprise appearance of part-timer Park Bo-gum was also warmly welcomed by everyone, especially the guests who were staying overnight because they didn’t expect to meet the actor there. When he arrived, Park Bo-gum tried to help and began to work hard even though he was not yet familiar with the place. Lee Hyo-ri praised him and said that he seemed like a good worker, then the staff did their breakfast at 10:00 a.m. Not long after, one of the groups of guests wasn’t able to get a taxi to go to their destination because the taxi company didn’t come as far as bed and breakfast, which was located on Sogil road. Seeing this, Park Bo-gum took the initiative to take the group of guests to their destination. The group was very lucky to be escorted by Park Bo-gum and could not hide their excitement.

Getting To Know The Guests Better

The guests in this season are the people chosen to be present at the bed and breakfast from about 210,000 applicants who registered. All the groups chosen to be guests came from various ages and occupations. There are judo groups, siblings, father-son, couples, foreigners, school friends, doctors and nurses, and many more. Each group had their own stories and experiences. Lee Hyo-ri, Lee Sang-soon, Yoona, and Park Bo-gum always worked hard and tried to give their best so that guests could eat well, sleep well, and have valuable time during their stay at the bed and breakfast.

Before the judo players left, the five of them and Hyori chatted in the living room. Then Hyori suddenly stood up and took the initiative to give them shoes. She said that she had a lot of new shoes and took out shoes that she didn’t wear. She took a pair of red high heels and asked one of the judo players, Ye-rin, to try them on. tYe-rin put them on and tried to walk in them, but because she’s not accustomed to wearing high heels, her friends teased her by saying she looked like a wooden doll, because she seemed so stiff. Hyori then called Yoona and said, “Learn how to walk from Yoona.” After Yoona put them on, everyone was amazed by Yoona’s legs, that looked very long. Hyori then told her to try walking, and Yoona walked like a model and looked very beautiful. She was even able to run in the heels, leaving everyone watching looking very impressed. She explained that, currently, wearing heels feels the same as for her as wearing sneakers. The judo players praised Yoona’s beauty in high heels. Not wanting to lose, Hyori also tried them on and showed off her ability to use high heels with confidence.

One of the interesting things about this event was when all the guests, along with Lee Sang-soon, Lee Hyo-ri, Yoona, and Park Bo-gum played ‘Mafia Game’. This game is about a mafioso disguised as a villager, and every night they kill one person. To figure out who it is, players must get possible and express their arguments about who they suspect of being mafia. If the accused does not succeed in making the other players believe that they are ordinary villagers, they will vote every day whether the accused will be executed or not. If the mafioso is still alive and not executed by the end of the game, they win. The game became very exciting when the players know that Yoona and Park Bo-gum were actors, and both would obviously be good at acting innocent. In this game, there were also small children who certainly have a plain image, but are often suspected because of that. Accusing each other in this game becomes the most fun and entertaining point, where they continue to argue about each other, and suspect each other.

Before the judo players left, one of them, Jae-ran, once said that he really admired Park Bo-gum and wanted to at least see Park Bo-gum before he died. Unfortunately, at the time, Park Bo-gum had not yet come to the bed and breakfast as a part-timer. Remembering this, Hyori asked Yoona to contact Jae-ran, and Jae-ran said she can talk after 6, then they tried to call Jae-ran and make a video call, telling Park Bo-gum that Jae-ran really wanted to meet him. After picking up a video call from Yoona, Lee Hyo-ri made it impossible by saying that she would give a video call to Park Bo-gum, but instead gave it to Lee Sang-soon, and then Lee Sang-soon immediately cooperated and said “I’m Park Bo-gum“, making Jae-ran laugh. They finally shifted the video call to the actual Park Bo-gum, and seeing the actor’s face through the video call made Jae-ran so happy that she couldn’t talk, so she just smiled broadly at him, instead. Lee Hyo-ri said that Jae-ran must try to do something to Park Bo-gum. Despite looking confused about what to say to the actor, Jae-ran said “I Love You “. Park Bo-gum thanked him, then Jae-ran ended their video call, even though Lee Hyo-ri still wanted to say something to Jae-ran, LOL.

In episode 5, one of the guests who was leaving that day gave a farewell gift in the form of a letter to Yoona and Hyori. After the guests of the sisters left, accompanied by Sang-soon, Hyori read the letter alone at the dining table while Yoona was washing the dishes. When she was reading the letter, Hyori just paused and started crying, while staring at the photo inside the letter. Hearing this, Yoona asked if Hyori was crying, but then Hyori denied it and said she had runny nose instead. Then Hyori went upstairs to take a shower. While Hyori was in the shower, Yoona took a break at the living room and started to read the letter, too. Just like Hyori, Yoona also paused while reading the letter and started crying. Hearing this, Hyori asked the same question, about whether Yoona was crying, and then Yoona also denied it and laughed. But then, Hyori said, “I thought I heard you cry” and then Yoona responded, “I thought I got your cold” and then Yoona went out, trying to calm down by cleaning. Shortly afterwards, Sang-soon came back. There are many other moments together with the other guests. Lee Hyo-ri, Lee Sang-soon, Yoona ,and Park Bo-gum always try to give their best, so the guests can enjoy their time in Jeju comfortably. They also do not hesitate to join, chat, play, and do various things together with the guests. Surely they hope that their time with other guests can be a precious moment for each other.

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